
For more than 15 ans, VERTIC has been protecting people while working at heights by offering them adequate engineered standard and tailor-made solutions.

As a specialist in safety at heights, VERTIC provides you the best safety solutions and the support you need according to your requirements and constraints.

International Olympic Committee

International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.)

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Emmaus Building – Carouge

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Installation ligne de BATILIGNE sur toiture végétalisée

Villa – Collonge Bellerive

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VERTIC's guardrails and cage ladders on EDF dam


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VERTIC's COMBIRAIL inclined fall protection rail system

Refuge du Goûter - Mont-Blanc

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VERTIC's BATILIGNE horizontal fall protection system

ALBIOMA's solar park

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ALTILIGNE, BATILIGNE and ALTIFIX installed on the roof

Parc des Princes - Paris

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WALIBI Attraction - VERTIC's COMBIRAIL inclined fall protection rail system

Walibi Amusement park

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Grand Stade in Lyon - VERTIC's BATILIGNE horizontal lifeline system

Grand Stade - Lyon

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Bollaert stadium in Lens - VERTIC's BATILIGNE horizontal lifeline system and ALTILISSE guardrails

Stade Bollaert - Lens

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BFIX single Anchor point for steel deck

SOLSTIS solar panels

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VERTIC's COMBILIGNE inclined lifeline system on the Pont de la Ravine Fontaine's bridge on the Reunion Island

La Ravine Fontaine's bridge (Reunion Island)

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VERTIC's COMBILIGNE inclined lifeline system on the Aquitaine's bridge

Aquitaine's bridge

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Bridge of Tancarville (Seine-Maritime) : Combiligne VERTIC

Tancarville's bridge

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VERTIC's COMBIRAIL inclined fall protection rail system

Portugese train company

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VERTIC's BATILIGNE horizontal lifeline system

Four Seasons Hotel in Bora-Bora

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VERTIC's ALTIRAIL horizontal fall protection rail system

City of Nancy

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VEOLIA - ALTIRAIL in sling version


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Installation of an ALTIRAIL on gate for the maintenance of machines

EDF - Machine maintenance

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VERTIC's COMBIRAIL inclined fall protection rail system - Grand Palais Paris

Grand Palais - Paris

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VERTIC's COMBIRAIL inclined fall protection rail system

SNCF - La Rotonde

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VERTIC's ALTIRAIL horizontal fall protection rail system on photovoltaic panels

434-kWC-photovoltaic-plant in Cambaie (Reunion Island)

Système rail antichute horizontal ALTIRAIL : 120 mètres  Read more

VERTIC's COMBIRAIL inclined fall protection rail system

EDF – Vizille (France)

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VERTIC's ALTIRAIL horizontal fall protection rail system - Saut du moine's dam

Saut du Moine's dam

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VERTIC's ALTIRAIL horizontal fall protection rail system - Verney's dam

Verney's dam

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VERTILIGNE on windmills for safety access

Windmills – A+A Montferrato partner

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VERTIC's VERTILIGNE vertical lifeline system

Deux Alpes' lift pylons

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Candia - ALTIRAIL solution - VERTIC


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VERTIC's ALTILIGNE horizontal lifeline system


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VERTIC's ALTIRAIL horizontal fall protection rail system

La Plagne's Club Med

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VERTIC's guardrails in Annecy

Annecy's lake joint union

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VERTIC's COMBIRAIL inclined fall protection rail system

SCNF – La Rotonde

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